Understanding Our Basic Human Rights [INFOGRAPHIC]
“Human rights” is a delicate and often controversial term in today’s interconnected world. We often hear it on the news: Nations violating citizens’ human rights and disagreements about what constitutes a human rights violation. However, legal rights and human rights are distinguished by the fact that legal rights are granted and human rights are intrinsic.
In order to safeguard our human rights and to hold violators accountable, it is vitally important to remember the details of our basic human rights. Each of the 30 articles of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights expresses an inherent, non-negotiable right and freedom for all of humankind. It is in this spirit that American University’s international affairs graduate program created the following infographic to illustrate each article of the Declaration in just a few words and an image. We’ve also included a downloadable version of the infographic in PDF format for use in an educational setting.

Download the PDF: Our basic human rights [INFOGRAPHIC]